Skype twitterbot (or is that twitter skypebot?)

June 20, 2007 10:17 am Published by

Whichever way round it goes I just found a great tool that allows you to twitter from Skype. Saves having to open a browser window for twitter everytime and it updates in real time as far as I can see.

So… how do you do it?


  1. Add twitter4skype as a Skype contact.
  2. Type the following as a single chat message to twitter4skype:

    /account (shift+return)
    twittername (shift+return)
    twitterpassword (return)
  3. The system should return: twitter4skype Registration complete!
  4. The next time you write a chat message to twitter4skype, the entry will appear on your account and you’ll receive your friends’ twitters in Skype.

I found this info here, but the instructions weren’t quite right so I modified them.

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This post was written by David