Edge Blueprint

February 8, 2010 5:04 pm Published by

Click here to signup to the Edge Blueprint

I’ve been a member of Dan Raine’s Immediate Edge program since September 2007 and learned some amazing stuff about internet marketing.

It probably isn’t everyone’s cup of tea because techniques are researched by their labs and presented as conclusions are drawn, which is a long way from the 30 Day Challenge from where many people looking to join will be coming.

Ed Dale created the 30 Day Challenge Plus as an entry level into the more advanced stuff, but still people have found it difficult to cope with the Edge.

That’s where the Edge Blueprint comes in

Designed to take internet marketers with some experience and some results, the Edge Blueprint aims to walk you through the entire process to earning enough money to quit your day job.

The good news is you can try it out for free by joining up now for the first few lessons, including a webinar on Saturday. If that sounds like your thing then go to the Edge Blueprint now.

Click here to find more about the EDGE BLUEPRINT

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This post was written by David