SEO and beer at Belly

September 14, 2007 9:12 am Published by

Last night I finally met Dan, one of the original members of my StomperNet SIMPLE team who also lives in Barcelona.

We should have met before, but I was hyper busy before the summer and cancelled a couple of times, so was glad to finally meet at Belly for the monthly Barcelona entrepeneur’s group networking meetup. Over a few beers we had a good chat about SEO and internet marketing, including StomperNet SIMPLE, the 30 Day Challenge and Immediate Edge. It’s always good to find someone who speaks the same language as you (I don’t mean English, I mean SEO) so I hope we can meet up a bit more often than once every 4 or 5 months.

Chicken curry anyone? 🙂

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This post was written by David


  • Dan says:

    Yes, it was great to finally meet.

    Actually being to be able to hold a conversation about gravity on Clickbank with someone who understands IM speak was very emotional for me!

    Lets go for a curry (there’s a new one opened near me) and get started planning our underwater kickboxing product! (Kudos to Ed for that one). Or perhaps you can show me one of your chicken curry recipes.

  • david says:

    Hi Dan,

    Who said I understood what you were talking about 🙂 A curry is definitely on the cards very soon, I’ll get it sorted once my brother’s wedding is out the way.