The ICO’s implied consent for cookies – but for some websites only

May 31, 2012 7:10 pm Published by

I reported last week that The Guardian had reported that the ICO had done a U turn on “implied consent” and that websites could now assume that consent had been given. Not quite true if you read the document, and a piece of shoddy journalism from The Grauniad.

Although I’ve only skimmed though the updated ICO report, while there is a U turn on implied consent, it is far from universal. The ICO now accepts implied consent is some circumstances but reiterates that that is not an excuse to do nothing. And the kind of sites that can assume consent are ones with tech savvy readers who are likely to know that cookies will be set; that hardly applies to many websites.

I’ll be reading the document in detail when I can and will comment once I have the full facts.

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This post was written by David