Why podcasting beats video

December 3, 2008 6:09 pm Published by

All you hear from the internet marketing gurus these days is video, video, video.

While video when done right can be highly effective and something I don’t use enough, there is also the danger of overuse. And that is certainly seen in the internet marketing space.

These days hardly a day goes by without receiving an email urging me to watch a video explaining why I have to buy X product. Sometimes they look tempting and I save them for later, but the fact is I rarely have enough time for video and if it’s too long I’ll start multitasking and will miss something vital anyway. It’s also one of the big problems I had with Traffic Secrets 2.0 recently – if you want me to watch video send me a DVD, otherwise audio is far better.

If you’re going to target me you really need to do it through audio, as I will take the time to load it up and listen at the gym, which in a normal week amounts to 4 1/2 – 5 hours. Outside of this timetable I will often set aside time away from the computer to listen to something if it’s really worthwhile – unlike video, where I give up on many presentations, especially when they’re 50 minutes or more.

I guess these gurus are testing, but I can’t see how anyone can devote so much time to watching videos when we’re all being bombarded with them and I have really missed Ed Dale’s podcasts.

Anyway, I mentioned in a previous post about Internet Marketing This Week, a weekly podcast by Ed, Paul Colligan, Lynn Terry and Michelle Macpherson and it hits the nail right on the head. Ed has been saying how podcasts are coming back bigtime, but I don’t really think they ever went away – it’s just that the next big thing arrived.

I’ve been thinking of producing a podcast for one of my niches, but there is a podcast in the niche and it’s not hyper profitable, but on the other hand I half feel like doing it for the hell of it.

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This post was written by David