SEO talk at Restaurante Namaste, Barcelona

October 4, 2007 10:58 pm Published by

Just back from eating a great Indian chicken curry recipe at Restaurante Namaste in Barcelona with Dan. Almost went to the wrong restaurant as there are 2 of the same name and only one shows up in Google, but we talked to the owner at the end about his website which turns out not to be indexed.

Anyway, we talked a lot about SEO, StomperNet SIMPLE, the 30 Day Challenge and Immediate Edge and about Facebook. At the moment there is something wrong with Facebook for me which is that everything is a bit to spammy. Sure, you only get stuff from your friends, but there is nothing there that wants to make me stay there. Vampire points? A waste of time in the end, Facebook isn’t going anywhere if that’s what it has to offer.

That’s where I start to doubt the viral project in Immediate Edge – it may have some clout in the short term, but I feels like we have a Facebook bubble. When I first signed up there was no one there I knew – now everyone is, but communication isn’t any better and more time is wasted.

Now, I haven’t looked, but some good Facebook apps would be live football scores for your favourite team, or stock quotes streaming. That’s nothing new to the internet, but it would at least make Facebook a bit more attractive to me. Perhaps the viral project is only aimed at making a fast buck – after all it’s supposed to teach us internet marketing skills – but I don’t see a long term in it. But don’t listen to me, make up your own mind and if you think I’m wrong then I’d love to hear why.

Anyway, the food was good, nice and spicy and so I’ll be back soon. In the mean time you can read about chicken curry recipes to get you in the mood.

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This post was written by David