The magic of bite sized tasks done regularly

January 10, 2015 6:21 pm Published by


Although it might not feel like it at the time, repeating the same small task many times can have a profound effect over the long term.

One of the sources for heating in our house is an open fire and for that we need wood. While getting larger stuff is relatively painless – half an hour with a chain saw in the forest sees to that – you also need medium and smaller stuff, which can be a pain to collect.

Last Saturday I decided that every time I walked the dog – twice a day – I’d return home with at least one piece of firewood and the result a week later can be seen above. It doesn’t seem like a massive amount of wood, but it’s not insignificant either. Once cut into lengths suitable for the fireplace that pile of wood will look much more substantial.

And if I continue until the end of the month we’ll have plenty left over for next year too, yet it adds nothing to the amount of time spent walking the dog and little in the way of extra effort carrying it home.

So what small tasks can you start doing on a daily basis to build up something substantial over time?

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This post was written by David