Using Siri to create superfast content

February 2, 2012 12:17 pm Published by

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about using Siri to create content. Since then I’ve been playing more with Siri in my workflow, and have got a number of ways of working with “him”.

In my original article I talked about saving content from my iPhone in to Dropbox to synch it to my computer, but since then I realised there was an easier way; you can use Siri to dictate straight into Evernote and save the article which will sync with your desktop. Once the article syncs to desktop, simply edit the article and there you have it.

This is a great way for writing content to submit to Article Samurai. For my main business, I employ a writer to produce a regular content and submit summaries to Article Samurai and other article directories to dripfeed backlinks to that content. The easy way to do that is to either create a mind map and then talk about the article, or alternatively, read through the main article and then summarise the main points as you get to them straight to Siri. I do that in Evernote and then edit the article to create a article superfast.

Another tip for quick blog posts: what I am doing at the moment is dictating to Siri direct in the WordPress iPhone app. I save the blog post in draft mode and then edit on my computer later. That’s exactly what I’m doing right now!

That’s it, as dictated to Siri and edited by me.

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This post was written by David