How to stop YOUR video content being ripped off

April 3, 2008 4:36 pm Published by

I’m not sure if it was during Ed Dale’s video course on Immediate Edge, but some time ago I published video on YouTube for one of my niches.

I was a bit pissed of a couple of weeks later when I found that someone had taken my video, removed my website address from the end and added their own. I asked them to remove the video and reported it to YouTube.

This is his reply:

I’ve removed the video. I hereby apologize for my actions. No hard feelings buddy?

Let me know if everything’s good now.

God Bless,

God Bless? Are you kidding me you scumbag? Everything is NOT good and I do have hard feelings. Ripping off other people’s content is not good.

OK, now I have that out of the way, I’ll tell you the moral of the story:

Always include your branding on every frame of video you submit.

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This post was written by David


  • Barry Mapp says:

    So how do you put your branding on every frame of a video? (preferable using a Mac please). By the way my reply to the human-test question (required to leave this message) ‘what are trees made of’ was from me another question ‘Macroscopic or microscopic level?’ and this elicited an error response. It is a shame isn’t it that the testing system fails the ‘human-test’ itself!

  • david says:


    Thanks for the message, if you are using video to drive traffic to a website you need to include on the video, not just at the end like I did.

    I’m not a Mac user so can’t help you there, but if you are in Immediate Edge Ed shows you how to do this kind of thing on a Mac I think.

    If you have video editing software it’ll be straightforward.

    Regarding the anti-spam test, the error message you got is simply because you entered a smart-ass reply to the question – garbage in, garbage out.
